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Don’t Let Your Dental Anxiety Get The Best Of You!

At Evans Dental we know the importance of visiting the dentist, which is why we offer options for anxious patients…

Dental anxiety or phobia is a very common fear of the dentist, and affects millions of Australians every year. With extreme nervousness comes avoidance, and dental avoidance means neglect!
While some do not visit the dentist because of their busy schedules, financial situation or simply because they feel their smiles are fine, others want to visit the dentist but cannot – due to a crippling dental phobia. This fear is apparent in approximately 16% of Australian adults, with research demonstrating that dental fear is not only directly linked to poor oral health, but also to reduced visits to the dentist, according to the Australian Dental Journal.

Avoiding the dentist could have larger repercussions than you think…

Avoiding dental care for extensive periods of time means there is no one to assess your condition and prevent any issues from occurring. Instead, a combination of dental issues can compound and result in periodontal (gum) disease or even tooth loss! This is why, even if you suffer from dental anxiety, it is important to visit our dental practice every six months, so our dental professionals can effectively clean your smile and diagnose any issues early before they become problematic.

Combatting dental anxiety…

If you experience dental fear or anxiety and this has prevented you from visiting the dentist to receive the dental care you need, at Evans Dental in Mermaid Beach we have your solution! We like to ensure our patients’ total comfort during their procedures, and to ensure they feel relaxed we are able to utilise IV Sedation.

By using conscious sedation, we are able to administer complex dental treatments without triggering nervousness, anxiety or fear. Instead, those who opt for IV Sedation will feel a deep sense of relaxation and will not feel as much pain – while still able to understand and respond to requests from their dental professional. Even better, your treatment will seem like it takes much less time! Some of our patients have been surprised when their treatment is complete, telling us it felt like just a few minutes!

Ensuring your safety…

IV Sedation is extremely safe, and at Evans Dental we always make sure there is a specially-trained dentist who supervises you for the entirety of your procedure. The only time we may not be able to utilise IV Sedation is if:

  • You are pregnant
  • Have an allergy to benzodiazepines
  • Have CNS depression or glaucoma

Our friendly and comforting team are always ready to make your experience as smooth and pain-free as possible, and we use a feather-light touch to help ensure total comfort throughout your treatment.

At Evans Dental we believe in providing an unsurpassed level of care to our patients, and do this by ensuring upmost comfort, total information and a transparent process so all our patients understand what each treatment involves.

To discover more about IV Sedation or to book an appointment at our Mermaid Beach dental practice, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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